University of Bahrain organizes an intellectual property rights workshop for supervisors and students

The Business Incubator Centre at the University of Bahrain organized a workshop for faculty members focused on intellectual property rights of supervisors and students. The session was delivered by the US Intellectual Property Attache for Middle East and North Africa, Peter Mehrvari who gave an overview on the topic from a global perspective and focused on the contribution of the different parties involved in the project, and the rights of startup founders and shareholders.

The Director of the Business Incubator Centre of the University of Bahrain and workshop coordinator Dr. Esra Ahmed Wali noted that the workshop targeted all college members of the University of Bahrain, in particular the College of Information Technology which has recently offered a new track in the senior project course focused on entrepreneurship in collaboration with the Business Incubator Centre at the University. This made it urgent for faculty members to be made aware of intellectual property rights for student projects.
